home decor trends, interior design in 2021
Dining Room Living Room

The home decor trends According to interior designers in 2021

Change is the only constant, and like every other field, home décor trends keep changing too. They have evolved a lot and have evolved for the better. The days of decorating a home heavily are gone, and people now want compact things in their home. Minimalism as a trend is on the rise, along with the use of pastel colors. Owners now want to decorate their home, which resonates with their taste, identity and reflects warmth and comfort. However, the more considerable shifts happen over a long time, but typically every year, small trends do pop up to make more minor shifts. Here are a few home décor trends that are going to flourish in 2021:

Comfort over style: People now willingly avoid décor items that are only shiny and provide no comfort. The conscious decision to eliminate uncomfortable things from home and replace them with décor items makes the space more comfortable and cosy. Home is where the family gets together to celebrate moments of joy. It should be a place that reflects emotions, growth, love and warmth. 

Comfort over style interior design

Simplicity: Avoiding complex and elaborate installation in the home just for décor is old news. Owners now look for décor items that are simple and beautiful. Keeping elegant things of décor is back in the trend, and simplicity has become rewarding to eyes and comfort. Simplicity as a concept doesn’t mean that essential item isn’t installed in the home to save space. Instead, it means that whatever item of décor is purchased needs to be less cluttered and elaborate.  

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simplicity home interior design,

Colour-pop walls: Experimenting with bold colors on the wall has become a recent trend. The furniture and other décor items of the room are toned down or amped up as per the color of the wall. A wide variety of patterns, textures, and prints are now being introduced as wall colors to express the style and emotions. So say goodbye to boring walls and head straight into the experiment zone for the colors. Pain brands are now introducing AI to helps buyers decide which color would go on which division and how the room’s existing décor would look and feel. 

colour-pop walls interior design

Theme: To keep the chaos at bay, the home decorator set a piece in place to maintain continuity and coherence. It allows the decorator to experiment, but it also draws a box as a discipline. Selecting a theme requires deciding the overall flow of decor and the timelines for keeping a check on the progress. The set-up could range from old classics to modern to minimalist, and the décor items can be picked accordingly. The home decorator can also mix and match various themes to create something that is one of a kind. 

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modern theme interior design,
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traditional theme interior design,
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theme and concept in interior design,
black and white theme interior design,

Lights and fixtures: Light, no doubt, is the most essential item of décor. It is a must as per the functionality of the usage too. Lights and their fixture no longer exist as a mere essential. They have evolved and become more of a décor item. People are now experimenting with various kinds of lights ranging from LED to hanging lights for the dining area. They are allowing users to experiment with their existing styles and prove to be a reward when it comes to the beautification of the home.

Wood: Items of wood have always added comforting touches to the home. People now are shifting towards the lighter tones of the wood. They are easy to design and gel well with other colour tones. It creates an illusion of more space and helps the natural and artificial lights bounce more. Whether it’s Scandinavian blonde or more rustic light oak, lighter wood can be used as a minimalist design to help create unique patterns, designs, window panes, frames. 

Sculptures: Installing sculptures in the home sets the tone apart. It helps break the monotony of the lines and boxes often used as furniture in the house. Place them at the home’s entry to give it an elegant look and make the entryway look luxurious. With lamps and lights creating a spotlight on them, nothing can replace this item of décor. 

Rugs and carpets: Rugs help create a cushion for feet and helps absorb echo. They give the room a warm and comfortable touch and helps make the room feel cozy. Depending on the room’s traffic, carpets and rugs of various pile types could be used in rooms. If the carpet is well taken care of, they last a really long time.

Plants and flowers: Plants and flowers have become a new way to decorate the home. People install plants as per feng shui too. They help purify the air and keeps the house cool and full of shades. Flowers, on the other hand, help with the natural fragrance of the home. They also provide an instant color-pop and uplift the mood of the room.

Eco-friendly and sustainable: Eco-friendly and sustainable décor items are now more favored than others in the market. People want to purchase things that cause more minor damage to the planet Earth and are not just a niche audience anymore. Owners now like to create a space that is safe and friendly for their loved ones. Do make sure to give the nearest flea market a visit to find hidden gems that promote sustainability. 

Antiques: Antiques have their own value and charm. The item’s value goes up manifolds if it is an antique. People love collecting items of décor which belong to a different era and like to enjoy looking at it. If there is any item kept safe by forefathers and is in good shape, it can be used as a décor item for years to come.

Layering: Layering is essential as it provides cohesiveness to the entire décor plan. It helps in creating distinct looks which feel really natural to the eyes. It also creates a feeling of fullness and comfort. Make sure to layer up multiple pillows and rugs to create a cozy ambiance

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